
Resourced Provision Events

World Book Day

Parents were invited to school to share the new books with their child/children in school to celebrate World Book Day.  The pupils were asked to bring in their favourite teddy or blanket and they were provided with juice and biscuits to enjoy their reading time with their parents.

Visits to Swain House

Girlington Resourced Provision pupils and staff were invited to go to the annual pantomime at Swain House.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the pantomime and had some time at the end to socialise with their deaf peers at Swain House.  Resourced Provision pupils from Girlington were also invited to Swain House for a BSL afternoon.  This provided the pupils from both primary Resourced Provisions with the opportunity to interact and learn BSL together.  All pupils really enjoyed interacting with each other and had a lovely afternoon playing games and communicating in BSL with their friends at Swain House.  Another visit will be arranged where Swain House will be invited to Girlington for a BSL afternoon in the summer term.

Year 3 DT day

In Year 3, the Resourced Provision children joined in with their mainstream class and made an automaton toy for a Year 1 child using a cam mechanism. The children created their own detailed design brief about the materials and equipment they would use and how they would ensure that it was suitable for a Year 1 child to play with. The children used lots of equipment including a drill, saw and wood glue to create their toy. Once they made the toy they took it down for the Year 1 children to play with and evaluated the toy to explain what they would change if they made it again. 

Ingleborough Hall Residential

Year 5 Resourced Provision pupils went on the annual year 5 residential trip to Ingleborough Hall. They joined in with all the activities including hiking, caving, tree climbing, abseiling and gorge scrambling! Everyone had a fantastic time and really challenged themselves to achieve things they never thought they would. New friendships were made, lots of food was eaten, and not much sleep was had! They have made some amazing memories and are looking forward to presenting a slide show of photographs to their parents during a year 5 showcase in school.

Signing Choir

Holly Marland and Danny Lane, musicians from the Music and the Deaf charity, have been carrying out signing choir sessions with Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 deaf pupils in the Resourced Provision at Girlington Primary School. Every week, the pupils have participated in various musical activities including signed songs, singing, body percussion and playing a variety of musical instruments. Recently, they had a go at playing the Kora, which is an African stringed instrument and have been creating their own songs inspired by the journey of a river travelling through the world. They have shown incredible enthusiasm for music over the past few weeks, developing rhythmic skills, as well as language through song writing and building confidence in communicating their own ideas to their group. Danny and Holly will be developing their music over the next few months and then perform this in the summer.  We look forward to the pupils performing it in the summer!