

Here are some of the lovely events that have been happening in school.

Year 2 visit Saltaire

Year Two had a great time visiting Saltaire and learning even more about Titus Salt’s village. We looked at the street names and could see they were named after his family. We found lots of amazing places in Saltaire such as the church, Robert’s Park, River Aire and of course Salt’s Mill. We went inside the mill and saw some beautiful pieces of art by David Hockney. It was wonderful to see how a man from Bradford has made such an amazing place which has helped so many people!

Year 1 trip to Ponderosa Zoo

Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Ponderosa zoo. We saw four of our five animal groups that we have learnt about in science –  mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. We enjoyed observing all the animals up close and playing in the play areas too.

Year 1 Trip to Abbey House Museum

Year 1 had a wonderful trip to Abbey House museum this half term. We got to handle lots of Victorian artefacts in the workshop and think about how life has changed over time – washing clothes is much easier nowadays! We also enjoyed exploring the mock Victorian street in the museum and looking at how toys have changed over time.

Mums Walking Group

The mums walking group had a lovely and fun day walking in Lister Park led by Mrs Arthur. The next mums walking group will take place in July around Saltaire and Roberts Park .

Ingleborough Hall

Last half term Year 5 had an amazing time at Ingleborough Hall, they had the opportunity to take part in lots of exciting activities like walking up Norber, gorge scrambling, caving, orienteering and problem solving. All the children really enjoyed trying new things and demonstrated resilience and bravery.

Dental Nurse

Today the dental nurse came to see the nursery children.  The children learnt they have to brush their teeth in the morning and before going to bed. They thought about  foods that were good for their teeth.  Please help your child to clean their teeth and make healthy choices when eating.

Mothers’ Day

The children in nursery have been super excited to take home their Mother’s Day card and gift for you.  To all our mothers have a great day.  Thank you for all your hard work.

Rabbits in Nursery

This week a vet came to nursery.  Lily and Twix the rabbits came too. The vet showed us what we need to look after them.  As a treat Lily and Twix like to eat apple.

People Who Help Us

In nursery this half term we are learning about ‘People Who Help Us’.  Jordan the PCO came to see us.  He helped us dress up like real police officers. We sat in the police van and listened to the siren, it was very loud. We made some police officer badges.

Plumber Drummer

Year 1 and 2 were treated to an amazing performance from plumber drummer last week. He creates music on his own instrument made from pipes and flip flops. We loved clapping along to the rhythm and joining in with the music.

Winter Snowflakes

The children in Gems had fun using glue and glitter to decorate their winter snowflakes.

Bedtime Story Session

A big thank you for all the parents that came to support their child. We’ve had a really good turnout.

Design Technology Project

Year 5 enjoyed showing off their creativity, making hats as part of our DT project.

Me and My Family

Our topic this half term in Nursery is ‘Me and My Family’.  The children have been thinking about what they look like and how they don’t look the same. They looked at the colour of their skin, hair and eyes.  We are so proud of their paintings. Well Done!!

History Day

Year 3 enjoyed their history day learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They explored different artefacts and discussed what life was like thousands of years ago. 

Bradford Industrial Museum

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Bradford industrial museum. They explored how wool was made and what Bradford used to be like in the Year 3 had a fantastic day at Bradford industrial museum. They explored how wool was made and what Bradford used to be like in the past. 

History Day

Year 4 had a lovely time learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings during our history day last half term. They explored and sketched artefacts, learnt about how housing developed and created their own Viking keyring.

Fire Safety

Year 5 and 6 had an informative fire safety talk with the West Yorkshire Fire Service.

Year 1 trip to St Ives

Year 1 had a wonderful trip to a local woodland. We spotted evergreen and deciduous trees and looked for signs of autumn. We also did activities about our class story ‘Stanley’s Stick’.

Nursery Story time

Thank you to all the nursery parents that joined Mr Khan for story time.