Fruit and Veg Scheme
Fruit & Veg Scheme for Foundation stage and Key Stage 1
You may have heard about the Government’s School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. Under the scheme, each child in reception, year one and year two in LEA-maintained schools will be entitled to receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.
Scientists agree that everybody, including children, can reduce their risk of heart disease and cancer by eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. On average, children in the UK eat only two portions a day.
We are delighted that our school has been given the opportunity to participate in this exciting scheme, which reinforces our commitment to healthy eating.
Each week your child will be offered a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day. We do not expect the scheme to disrupt the normal school day in any way. The fruit and vegetables will be fresh and of good quality. The aim is for children to have a positive and enjoyable experience of fruit and vegetables.