What is the Resourced Provision
Our vision as STaSS team is to:
“To offer high quality support for all children through a collaborative approach to provide transformational learning experiences so that children can flourish and make excellent holistic progress and successfully transition to responsible citizens.”
Girlington Primary School Local Authority Led Resourced Provision (LARP) has purpose built, acoustically treated rooms, and specialised technology to support and maximise the learning of deaf pupils. It currently has places for 20 pupils. Pupils are supported by a specialist and experienced team of Qualified Teachers of the Deaf, Specialist Support Workers and Deaf Instructors.
Mrs R Hussain: Teacher in Charge
Mrs H. Walford: Teacher of the Deaf
Mrs S. Fretwell: Teacher of the Deaf (in training)
Mrs D Saghir: Deaf Instructor
Mr Z Hashmee: Deaf Instructor
Mrs J Dixon: Specialist Practitioner
Mrs C Ralph: Specialist Support Worker
Mrs F Quddus: Specialist Support Worker
Mrs Y Arif: Specialist Support Worker
Mrs I Hussain: Specialist Support Worker
Miss M Ali: Specialist Support Worker
Mrs S Whike: Specialist Support Worker
Mr M Owais: Specialist Support Worker
Additional Support:
Mrs S Younus: Parental Involvement Officer
Mrs. J Bickley: Yorkshire Auditory Implant Service (YAIS)
Mrs M Crewe/Mr A Limbert: Educational Audiologist
Our Provision:
The majority of pupils who access the Resourced Provision have a bilateral, severe or profound degree of deafness and will have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Most pupils are taught in the mornings within small groups by Teachers of the Deaf and Specialist Support workers skilled and qualified in meeting the needs of deaf pupils. Teaching and support is lead by the individual needs of pupils, including communication, emotional and social needs. All pupils are part of a mainstream class where they work alongside their peers.
Girlington Primary School is a fully inclusive setting and as such, deaf pupils are an integral part of the school and opportunities to learn and socialise with mainstream peers is maximised on a daily basis.
Supporting our pupils:
To enable deaf pupils to hear, some pupils use hearing aids and some use cochlear implant processors. Pupils access teaching and learning through spoken language, British Sign Language (BSL) and Sign Supported English (SSE). Teachers of the Deaf and Deaf Instructors use their knowledge and skills to provide a bilingual approach to provide full access to the curriculum. All classrooms and group rooms use stimulating, effective and appropriate visual displays and resources which seek to enhance the learning of all our pupils.
The well-being, safety, security and happiness of our pupils is key to developing confident young deaf people. Alongside support for learning, staff support pupils through their emotional and social experiences as they grow. Staff are skilled and trained in understanding and supporting pupils with their needs, particularly as deaf youngsters, in these areas through such strategies as emotion coaching. Pupils’ voices and views are regularly sought through a variety of activities in order to develop and improve their educational and emotional experiences in the way that they would like.
The Wider Curriculum
Pupils within the Resourced Provision have access to a wide range of activities and experiences to support their wider development. KS2 pupils are taught to play a brass instrument during a weekly lesson provide by Bradford’s Music and Arts Service. All pupils participate in a weekly signing choir. Pupils also participate in a range of sporting events and activities, both within and outside of the school setting. These offer pupils the opportunity to meet deaf peers and develop their physical, as well as social skills. Pupils take part in events such as music workshops and drama events both within and outside school.
Parental involvement:
Staff within the Resourced Provision maintain close, regular contact with parents and consider the partnership between home and school to be fundamental to the needs and development of each child and to the inclusion of parental choice and wishes. As well as attendance at parents’ evenings and annual reviews, parents are encouraged to attend regular drop-in sessions and workshops. Parents are also offered BSL classes delivered by the Deaf Instructor. Parents are also invited to attend concerts and performances which pupils participate in. Every effort is made to provide first language interpreters for meetings and events.