Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What time does school open?
A. School is open from 8.30am and finishes at 3.10pm. The electronic gate times are: 8.25am until 8.45am & 3.05pm until 3.25pm.
Q. Where can I get a list of the school holidays for this year?
A. The school holidays calendar is available on the school website, you can ring the school office or click on the link below.
Q. How do I get signed up for ParentPay?
A. On request a personalised activation letter is created and can be collected from the school office.
Q. Is school open today as it is snowing?
A. School is always open unless it is deemed dangerous. In this case you will receive a text message through our texting service.
Please remember to inform school of any phone number changes.
Q. When do I pay for milk money?
A. Payments for milk are made three times a year at the beginning of each term and varies each term due to the number of school days. You would receive a letter informing you of dates and cost.
We do not accept cash, all transaction must be paid through Parent Pay.
Q. Can I take my child/ren out of school during school term?
A. Government guidance is families do not have a right to take their children out of school for the purposes of family holidays or trips abroad. If you have an exceptional circumstance and it is unavoidable, please contact school to see the Access & Inclusion Manager
Q. Where do I collect my child from when they have finished their after school club?
A. All children will come out of the Year 5 cloakroom
Q. How do I apply for free school meals and uniform?
A. You can ring the Benefits Office, apply online through Bradford Council’s website or ask one of the office staff to assist you.
For further information click on the link below
Q. When does my child come off Universal Free School meals?
A. Universal Free School meals are meals free to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 living in the UK. When they move to Year 3, you must start paying unless you are on Free School Meals because your income is lower than £16,190
Q. I’m running late to pick my child up, what should I do?
A. Ring school as soon as possible so that we can inform the teacher and reassure your child. If someone different is coming to collect your child, for safeguarding reasons, you must let school know.
Q. Can my child have their medicine in school?
A. You would need to ring school, where a staff member can fill out the medical form over the phone and you would need to bring the medication to the school office. We are able to have regular medication in school and can have antibiotics if they are 4 times a day, but not 3 times a day.
Q. What time does breakfast club start and finish?
A. Childcare/Breakfast club
Opening times 8:00am – 8:30am. Food served till 8:15am
Cost for one week is £1.50 / 30p per day.
Payment to be made online via ‘Parent Pay’. NO CASH ACCEPTED
Entrance for pupils Main Entrance.
All school gates will be opened from 8:25am
Q. How much is dinner money?
A. School meals are £11.75 per week, £2.35 per day
Payment to be made online via ‘Parent Pay’. NO CASH ACCEPTED
Q. Where do I purchase my child's school uniform?
A. Our chosen supplier is The Uniform Shop at the following address:
50-52, Darley St
Bradford BD1 3HNTel: 01274 736300
Q. Does my child need to bring in their PE kit to school?
A. No. Your child will need to wear their PE kit to school on the specified day for their year group, and wear school uniform on the other days.