
Our Ethos and Aims

Girlington Primary School is a two form entry inner city school with an Resource Provision (RP) for Deaf and Hearing Impaired pupils, a 40/40 place Nursery and 16/16 place Gems (2 year olds).

Our Ethos

Girlington Primary School is a fully inclusive provision. We work hard to remove barriers to learning so that all children can participate in a full and rich curriculum. There is a culture of high expectations of both learning and behaviour. All children are encouraged to achieve their best within our calm and purposeful learning environment.

Our Aims 

  1. To promote a learning environment which is focused on high achievement for all children.
  2. To remove barriers to learning so that all children can achieve their best.
  3. To provide a rich school curriculum which enables children to increase their knowledge, expand their vocabulary and develop their character.
  4. To develop relationships where children and staff are respectful towards each other and value diversity.
  5. To work in partnership with parents and carers to improve outcomes for our children.